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Rabu, 30 April 2014

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List My Apps – Indie app of the day

What is List My Apps?

indie app of the day
List My Apps solves a very simple problem. We all love sharing what applications we use. It’s a sentiment I can understand. However, when people ask what apps you use and you have a list of 50, 100, or (in the case of this app guy), 200 or more applications, then listing them can get very tedious. List My Apps helps by creating the list of apps for you complete with links. That’s all it does and really that’s all it needs to do.

Here’s how it works. You open the apps and it’ll show you a list of all of your applications. You then use the drop down menu to select what kind of list you want it to print. You can choose from plain text, BBC code (for forums), HTML (for articles or article comments), Markdown, or you can define your own using the template editor if you’d prefer to use something else. It’s very simple to use and it’s effective in a number of different scenarios whether it be a comment on Google+ and Reddit or for use in an article if that’s what you do.

Of course you also get the ability to share your recommendations on social media should you want to. An interesting feature included is the ability to trade your recommendations for other people’s recommendations. If you’re getting a little tired of what you have, put your favorites on a list and swap it with someone else’s. It’ll give you some new stuff to try out and that’s a great way to explore the wonderful place that is the Google Play Store.

What is wrong with this app?

There aren’t many complaints when it comes to List My Apps. The app is simple and there really isn’t a lot of room for error. Every now and then someone will mention a small typo in exported lists but nothing that is so bad that it can’t be fixed manually in the template editor. Perhaps the only real problem is the inability to save a list to a file. When you create the list, you’ll have to share it somewhere. This can be worked around by using a cloud based service like Google Drive and creating a document there, but you can’t create a list and then save it to your device.

List My Apps review

Final thoughts

Overall, this is a simple and fun little app. It’s definitely not something that everyone needs all the time but it’s definitely an app to keep in mind in those instances when people ask you what apps you use. It’s highly rated, practically bug free, and very easy to use. You really can’t ask for much more in an app. If you want to try it out, click the button below!
Get it on Google Play

Check out the last indie app of the day: Pokemon Online


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